BigByte Education

Friends 1,440

每週一~五 10am - 7pm


#K12 #SummerWinter #BoardingProgram

The only educational institute that provides an English-based curriculum infused with relevant knowledge and practical skills training for students in Taiwan who want to become world class talents in any field during an era of outdated command and control education and fast information turnover.

在這充斥著過時填鴨式教育與大量資訊流通的時代裡,BigByte是唯一為想成為世界級人才的台灣學生提供貼切知識與實際技能的美語教學機構。近20年來,也致力於海外教育學程。鼓勵學生將課室內的學習帶到課室外應用,以達到學以致用的境界。 讓我們一起點燃孩子對生命的熱情,放手讓孩子挑戰自我的極限。當孩子跨出未知的第一步時,世界給他們的回饋將遠超過您們的想像!

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