
Friends 176

Makiminato Chuo Hosp

FAQSee more

  • AYes and no. If you are not affiliated with base hospitals, you do not need a referral. If you are affiliated with base hospitals, we suggest you obtain one from your PCM.

  • AWe only see patients over 15 years old.

  • ANo, we do not charge extra if you do not have a referral.

Mixed media feed

PCR for travel 出國PCRSee more

¥22,200NEAR test only

We do not perform RT-PCR. Please click for more information.

Preventive Care 健康檢查See more

Packages start at ¥12,860

Please click for more information.

Dialysis 旅遊透析See more


Please click for more information

Outpatients 門診科目See more

Cardio-endovascular 心血管內科

Chest pain, shortness of breath...胸口痛、呼吸不順

Arrhythmia 心律不整

Palpitation, irregular heart beat...心悸、心律不規則

Cardiovascular Surgery 心血管外科

Bypass surgery, valvular disease..搭橋手術、心瓣膜手術

Vascular Surgery 血管外科

Varicose veins...靜脈曲張 Monday and Wednesday afternoons only. 門診為週一和週三下午。

General Medicine 綜合內科

Tuesday and Thursday mornings only. 門診為週二和週四上午。

Pulmonary Medicine 呼吸科

Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings only. 門診為週二下午和週五上午。

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