北投文物館典雅的木造建築始建於1921年,日治時代是當時北投地區最高級的溫泉旅館──「佳山旅館」。園區位於綠意環抱的北投山腰,佔地約800坪,它是當今臺灣少數保存良好的木造二層日式房舍。1998年臺北市政府將北投文物館列為市定古蹟,目前為財團法人福祿文化基金會的附屬單位,為一私立博物館。 北投文物館除保留相當珍貴的日式木造建築結構外,也珍藏4000餘件的臺灣早期傳統民間工藝及原住民族文物,並安排有不定期特展及常設展覽。此外,文物館亦提供各式文化體驗課程、創意懷石餐飲、午茶品茗、禮品以及客製化的宴會、會議與展演等服務,朝向複合式的經營與文化創藝產業的平台邁進。 The wood building of Beitou Museum was constructed in 1921. It was the hot-spring hotel in Beitou (北投) in the Japanese colonial era, known as the Kazan (佳山) Hotel. The area where Kazan Hotel is located lies set amidst the lush hills of Beitou and covers about 2500 square meters. It is now the few best-preserved wooden Japanese-style structure built in Taiwan. In 1998, the building was designated a heritage site by the Taipei City Government. Now it is a private museum administrated by Fu Lu Culture Foundation. Beitou Museum has not only preserved the valuable Japanese-style wooden structure , but also kept some 4,000 items of tradition arts and crafts used by the early inhabitants and the indigenous peopl
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