Account deletion

warning icon  Attention
When you delete your LINE account, all data, including your purchase history, friends, groups, chat history, and data registered to apps and services such as LINE Games, will be deleted. After your LINE account is deleted, it cannot be restored or transferred, and you cannot log in to LINE on PC or iPad.
If you want to delete your LINE account, first read the "Before deleting your LINE account" section. Afterwards, follow the steps in the "To delete your LINE account" section below.
information icon  Useful info
Only deleting or uninstalling the LINE app will not delete your account.

Before deleting your LINE account:

If you have a LINE Pay account, you will need to delete it before deleting your LINE account. Refer to the following Help article for details.

Deleting your LINE Pay account

To delete your LINE account:
1. Tap the Home tab > Settings > Account.
Note: Tap here to go to the Account screen from your smartphone.
2. Tap Delete account at the bottom of the screen > Next.
3. After reading and agreeing to the warnings, tap Delete account > Delete.

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